New to St. Philip's?

Here's what to expect

Will I be welcomed?


At St. Philip's we believe we are all beloved children of God. Therefore, we warmly welcome all people who are desiring a spiritual home - every race, culture, age, ability, gender, sexual identity or orientation, education level, or economic status.

Time of service?


Sunday Worship service starts at 10:00 a.m. & typically last 60 minutes.

What to wear?

We do not have a dress code. Some people dress up and some dress casual in jeans and tennis shoes.

Dress however you feel comfortable.

What would be helpful to know about an Episcopal worship service?


We invite all people present to participate fully in the service - - we do not require one to be (or to become) an Episcopalian to worship with us.


If you are an Episcopalian then you will immediately feel at home. Lutherans, Roman Catholics, and Orthodox Christians will notice the similarity between our worship and that to which you're accustomed since our liturgies all come from a common source. If you are not an Episcopalian then we want to help you get comfortable with the worship service.


Book of Common Prayer and Hymnals-

Episcopalians use the Book of Common Prayer (BCP) for our liturgy - it is the blue or red book with the cross on the cover in the pew. You will be given a service bulletin by an usher when you enter through the church's red doors. The bulletin contains the order of worship with BC page numbers, the hymn numbers, an insert of the day's collect (prayer) and scripture readings. Hymnals are also in the pew: the

1982 Hymnal (H) and Lift Every Voice and Sing (L).


Participation during the service -

During the service people sit, stand, and kneel at various times You may do as we do or as you are able or comfortable with. Generally, we sit to listen and learn, kneel to pray, and stand to praise or affirm.

Can I participate in the Holy Eucharist/Communion?


All who seek Christ are invited to receive Holy Communion when attending an Episcopal church. Come forward and kneel at the altar rail. The priest will distribute the bread to the communicants. A communicant mav drink wine from the chalice (the common cup) or may dip the bread into the wine in the intinction cup. When you kneel at the altar rail, place one hand over the other to receive the bread in the palm of your hand. If you wish to drink from the common cup then lift the bread to your mouth and eat it. Gently hold the chalice by the base and guide it to your lips. If you prefer not to drink from the common cup (the chalice) then hold the bread in your hand. The eucharistic minister with the common cup will move past you. The minister with the intinction cup will come to you. Take your bread and dip it in the wine in the intinction cup and then consume the bread If you are unable to come to the communion rail, please notify an usher so that communion may be brought to you in the pew.


Above all, remember that we are here to worship - - to praise and thank God. If you offer heartfelt praise and thanks to God then you have done what we all came to do regardless of whether you kneel or sit or find the right page in the BCP. And we are glad that you joined with us to worship our Lord.


Coffee time!


On the second & fourth Sundays of the month we serve coffee, juice, and a snack following our worship service.

We would love for you to join us!


A prayer for Service

Almighty God, assist us to see your vision of the growth and vitality of St. Philip's. Help us to reach those who do not know your saving grace. Deepen our commitment; increase our faith and trust, that we may live as witnesses to you. May the Holy Spirit lead us to the service you would have us do, as servants of Christ Jesus our Lord, in whose name we pray. Amen.

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